Monday, December 01, 2014

Himalaya baby diapers - DON'T GO THERE!!!!

If you have read any of my previous posts, you would know i had a soft spot for Himalaya baby products. Good Quality, great fragrance.. Indian origin.. what was not to love?

Till they introduced their disposable baby diapers. Being a cloth diapering person, to be excited about a disposable knowing very well of the consequences, i still gave it a know because its 'Himalaya'.

So hard i have tried to find at least ONE good thing about the diapers for old times sake and because mom told me to always look for the goodness in others, i failed....

Below are all the reasons why you need to put in that exact same amount of dough or maybe even less for a pack of pampers or huggies.

1. It looks like a sanitary napkin wrapped in butter paper, cheapest quality EVER!
2. It leaves crystals of solidified urine on my baby's private parts. ( I am sure there is a whole lot of chemicals touching my poor baby right there)
3. It makes the sound of crumpled paper every time my baby moves (Even in sleep)
4. Does NOT fit well at all. it feels frumpy and a little too narrow around the bums.
5. Mentions Anti Rash but gives my baby red marks all around his waist and crotch due to the stupid material it is made of.
6. It does contain the pee and poop (so do the others, including cloth..this is not even a valid point as i type)
7. The emotional turmoil it put me in when i realized that the brand that i once trusted had betrayed me.... excuse me, i need to call my lawyers now..

So, like i said before..Don't go there.. and you guys at Himalaya - I disown you from my baby's and my life.. goodbye!

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