Thursday, May 08, 2014

Closet Mompetitor

I have to confess.. never thought i would turn into this.. it's so unlike me..even unlike my mother! (they say you become your mom after becoming a mother!) She never measured us up against other kids..she knew we were useless..or extremely gifted for the mainstream stereotypes...then how did i end up suffering from this? I hate it..hate it..but then i love it..and i just can't stop it!! there are babies everywhere.. at the park, at the doctor's even my next door neighbor had a baby forty days after i delivered!! How can i not look?
I know those mommies are stealing glances too.. i just know it! and it affects me..not knowing what they are thinking to prove it to themselves that their infant is better..and i want to prove them wrong.. all of them.. THAT's why I look! on neutral grounds..i have to baby wins hands down in the cuteness category..oh shut up..go fly.. but then there are other babies who have started using the sippy cup (my son refuses to move from 0+ month bottle to a 2+ month and he is completing 6 months!!) and others who eat all normal food..mashed up, ofcourse (my son fusses..he has a major sweet tooth..might have to replace all meals with desserts..not cute.. really). But the real bummer is my next door neighbor's baby..he is chubby...super chubby..always when i see him..never heard him scream (all my neighbors know how my son shrieks)..and he is sitting on his own..already!!! And to top it off, he has an annoying elder sister who wants to know why my baby has thin hands and legs..that's because i am not feeding him Parle - G like how your mom does - i didn't say that..because she is a 12 yr old innocent girl (i remind myself)
My baby is perfect..all babies are..they all learn..when they are ready.. see, i know that..BUT when moms meet..practical parks,  at malls.. introducing their baby to mine..being all ' cute', it should end there..right there..ok..bye..But no, then it starts, 'How old is he?', 'has he started crawling yet?'..mine started at 6 and 1/2.. how often do you cut his hair? it's barely growing'..grrrrrrrrrrrr. Think smart.Think smart.Think smart....oh, my son is practically swimming now...we were in Goa and he took to water like a fish..let me show you the pictures..cute na?? smack down!! That, my friend is how winning is done!! Bam!!!
I don't even know me anymore..what has become of me.. make it stop!!! btw, how old must a baby be to enroll for swimming lessons?

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