Monday, March 24, 2014

Non essential Essentials

L-R: Sapphire Feeding pillow; Baby Bjorn Baby Harness; Graco Snug Ride Infant Car Seat
“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
― Oscar Wilde

 That was me when i took my baby steps into motherhood. Opinions of 'Seasoned mothers' were sought out before arriving at any decision. This was the easiest way out for me at that time as i didn't know what to expect from motherhood. But in a week or so, when my needs became more individualistic, i realized that these mothers didn't know EVERYTHING!! *eye opener* They did not face the same challenges as i did. This was my journey and my journey alone and if i wanted to make my life better, i would have to go and do it myself and shut my ears to comments like,' its a waste of money' or ' brand obsessed mother wants fancy stuff' (not true on either counts) or 'its not an Indian way to do things'.. the list is endless...
So here are my top three essentials which i have been using since the day they arrived. And i have been incredibly lucky as some of my favorite people have gifted me these!( they don't come cheap but they can save your life!)

Sapphire Feeding Pillow: Now there are loads of feeding pillows out there and some cost twice as much as this one did. This was recommended by my dear friend who is also my gynac :D Ofcourse everyone was against me buying this because all women use normal pillows for feeding. Did i tell you i had two slip discs and feeding round the clock in the first week that i got home left my back in shambles? Hubby to the rescue!! the only thing he asks me is if i really needed it. i say yes, and bam! an hour later, this baby arrives.
Anyway, why should you invest in this?
1. it gives a fantastic back support so you dont have to bend forward but the baby comes to you. life saver for a bad back.
2. gives you a free hand to check messages or eat that breakfast thats gone so cold. ( of course you have to master the angle to not drop things on the baby)
3. Your baby will associate this to meal time and will stop crying when he sees you with this. (he has to be 3 months or older)
oh and those seasoned moms who complain of back problems post C - section? well, i had no such issues.

Baby Bjorn Harness: My darling little sister insisted on me having this as they are the best ones out there. Yup it does cost a LOT more than the ones you get locally. But it is totally WORTH it! ( so there were a lot of eye popping, eye rolling moments here as well)
Anyway, why should you invest in this:
1. BACK SUPPORT is FANTASTIC ( yup, the caps are intentional)
2. ORGANIC COTTON. no heat producing - rash causing - parachute - raincoat type material
3. Amazing neck support for infants. (they have done tests and all that jazz)
4. Free hands!!
Oh, and my baby is so cozy in it that he falls asleep while i take a walk or do shopping!! :D

Graco Infant Car Seat: Now, if you are unfortunate enough like me to have an adrenaline junkie of a baby who struggles with all his might to stay awake and even if i have successfully managed to induce a shut eye with my walk - rock-sing-repeat routine as soon as he is put on his crib i am met with an expression of a monk who was just thrown out of his zen zone!
the most obvious solution to this was to buy a rocker. Now, for a first time dad, no equipment is safe enough for his son! everything has to be met with utmost quality standard, reviews have to be read over and over, it has to be REALLY safe.. you get the drift... So obviously, cheap boat shaped plastics with a cloth on top were thrown out of the window. Rockers that met his approval were too expensive and 'baby will grow out of it in no time' and 'who has so much of space'..blah..blah.. happened. After  weeks of google searches,narrowed it down to this car seat as it was multifuctional and yes, my baby now successfully naps in it.. mission accomplished!
Anyway, why should you invest in it:
1. Personally a good car seat should be a necessity when going out as it is a lot safer than mommy's arms. ( didnt use it as a car seat till his neck was stable though)
2. it has been abused as a rocker which keeps my baby in nirvana for a couple of hours. *phew*
3. you can use it as a carry cot for social gatherings ( i refrain from it. prefer my baby in my arms or playing about)
Life is beautiful, just go out and discover it!


  1. this is truly an informative post..young mothers are bombarded with zillion suggestions...sadly very few are useful :P

    1. Roo.. glad you like it. i just think that we need to treat our babies as individuals and see what works for us rather than blindly following what others are doing.
